My Mission
Created by Pamela 14 years ago
I will, when I'm able, write about my precious man and his life. It's just taking me some time to be able to do that. What I would ask from anyone who visits his memorial, if you should want to do something for him, write to the epilepsy foundation. I've written to them already with no reply. My request for donations on this site are for epilepsy; however, I would ask for any donations to be earmarked specifically for the development of better treatment for infantile spasms. I lost my beautiful boy due to side effects from two medications he was taking for this terrible illness. There are only a handful of choices and his neurologist chose what he truly believed to be the best for him. The side effects were rare and they both manifested at the same time... In short, what happened to my precious Evin was a fluke and should not have happened. I truly feel people need to be made aware of this illness and it needs a "face" and that face should be Evin's!!! Please, write to the epilepsy foundation, local television stations, Dr. Phil... anyone who might be able to help me get some justice for my baby. There should have been better choices for treatment. That's where the injustice lies. Nobody can possibly know what he went through. He's so brave and strong and he fought so hard to stay here, to stay with me... You can't know how much I miss him. Everyday, I love him more and miss him more and I need to do something to honor him...